Kathy Lacina
Biographical Info Kathy Lacina is a community outreach specialist for Oasis Senior Advisors. Kathy's career has spanned decades of working in the retail and technology industries. She entered the senior care industry and discovered her passion for serving the seniors in the Treasure Valley. Her positions in home and health care have given her an added perspective on the challenges that seniors face as they continue on their life journey. Her position as sales director at Revel allowed her to draw from all those experiences when helping seniors find their forever home. Kathy has served on several committees relating to senior care in the Treasure Valley including Idaho Guardians and Fiduciary Association, HAPPEN, Idaho Health Continuum of Care Alliance and LEARN.
Email Address lacinak@aol.com
Level Professional
Start Date March 3, 2021
Title Community Engagement Specialist
Business Type: Senior Living
Business Description Oasis is a nationwide company that proudly offers free senior housing services. It is a local, community-based service, providing a personal, compassionate experience tailored around meeting the unique needs of our aging senior community. Kathy can help seniors find independent living, assisting living, memory care in the Treasure Valley.