Lynn Fyanes, MHS
Email Address
Level Professional
Start Date March 11, 2021
Phone Number 208577-2852
Title Program Specialist
Business Name Idaho Commission on Aging
Support for seniors staying independent at home.
Business Type: Caregiver Support Services
Business Description ICOA plans, coordinates, and promotes a statewide network designed to support aging Idahoans to live healthy and dignified lives in the communities of their choice. Services are targeted to those who have the greatest social and economic needs and are at risk of early institutionalization. The ICOA is primarily responsible for the coordination of all state activities related to the purpose of the Older Americans Act i.e. the development of comprehensive and coordinated systems for seniors and people with disabilities to deliver support services, including aging and disability resource centers, multi-purpose senior centers, nutrition services, long term care ombudsman services and to serve as the effective and visible advocate for the elderly in the state. Direct services are provided through six AAAs and are guided by local area plans specifically developed to advance ICOA’s State Plan and address the needs in each of their respective Planning and Service Areas.